Welcome to Farmhouse Anitques

We are a collective; that is we each bring in treasures each week to add to the store and all of us have a specialty; Why Not Collections feature a line of vintage patterns or items made from vintage fabrics. I Dream of Jeannie is Jean who can help you with your estate sales and has lots of wonderful things. She has beautiful vintage jewelry and is our front window. And if you know someone who likes vintage hats & purses, we have a large stock. Of course there is also buttons, dishes and the cast iron collection. And quilts! Three of us showcase quilts. We have a large display of wonderful handquilted vintage pieces. Come see what you can find and stop by--We're open every day 11-5 (monday's by chance).

06 October, 2009

Postcards are my new favorite collection

Are you a postcard collector? Postcards are the number 1 most collected item in America. I never really collected postcards before joining Farmhouse but now, since working one day/week, I go home with a treasure or two. The customers are educating me and I love the sweet cards I purchased. I'm making up a special book just to house them. I think it has to be an altered book - not just a plain 3 ring notebook for me no sir! Stop by on a Tuesday and you'll find Janice who is our resident Post Card expert. And you can find her at the Expo coming up October 24 & 25!